Lasgo in the UK
by wimSome updates on how Lasgo‘s doing in the UK. As we already said, Something will be released around February 25th in the UK and it’ll probably become a hit.
The first confirmations are in for UK TV appearences : Nickelodeon, Popworld & Topof the Pops! (hmm… strange that something that is not officially out yet is already confirmed for Top of the Pops ;-))
That’s not all: Something moved to A-Rotation on BBC Radio 1! (Still B-Rotation on Kiss FM). It moved from #95 to #41 in the airplay chart. The clip is at #8 on Kiss TV and #26 on The Box.It’s in the A-list on MTV dance and 4th in the MTV Party zone chart.
- February 13,2002
- lasgo
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