Lasgo – Something interview

We’re very pleased that we can present you an interview with Lasgo (many thanks Peter!), known from the hits Something, Alone and their full album Some Things. Let’s fire the questions!

How did you get into the music business ?

Peter: I’m busy with music since I was 12 years old. At first I played in some rockbands, but after a while I decided to go into the danceworld. I created some demos and took them to Stefan Wuyts, head of A & S Records. He gave me the chance to release my first track on his label. My first track on his label was Heliac – The Candle

Evy: I always wanted to be a singer, so I already started participating in singingcontests and playbackshows when I was a little kid. When I grew older I was a regular in karaokebars and I met a guy there who knew Stefan Wuyts, head of A & S Records. I gave him a demotape and a few days later I was asked to do a voicetest in the studio. They asked me to sing a song I could choose myself. I chose Angel of Mine from Eternal. Apparently it was good as a few moments later I could sign my contract.

What will be the next CD Single from Lasgo ?

Peter: Guess….. πŸ™‚

Evy: That’s topsecret !

What is your favourite track from the debutalbum Some Things ?

Peter: For me Blue is the best track on our debut album.

Evy: My favourite number is Don’t belong 2 u. Dave sang this with so much feeling that it makes my flesh creep!

Which song is the best you’ve made until now ?

Evy: We got our real breakthrough with Lasgo offcourse, but the other songs I did as Medusa also have a special meaning to me. Each song reminds me of a particular time and they are good memories.

How did you meet eachother and form Lasgo ?

Peter: I met David through Stefan Wuyts. We made the last single of Astroline together. After Astroline we were working on some club tracks in the studio, including Something. We also needed a singer and because I already knew Evi for a few years and because she has a fantastic voice we asked her to join… That was the start of Lasgo.

Evy: I got to know Peter through our manager at A & S. Back then he was still very active in Astroline. I met Dave one year ago when Peter and Dave were tinkering with Something at Peter’s place.

Where does the name Lasgo comes from? Does it have anything to do with the Scottisch clothes you wear on concerts/gigs ?

Peter, Evi: David is pretty possessed by Scotland and he also has family there. Lasgo comes from the Scottish city Glasgow minus the G & w = Lasgo.

Which Belgian or foreign DJ/Producer should remix one of your dance records ?

Peter: TiΓ«sto or Paul Van Dyk

On February 25th 2002 Something was released in the UK. There are a few new remixes of Something on the UK promo maxi cd: W.O.S.P. Mix, Flip N Fill Mix, Mirco De Govia Mix. They are more progressive trance. Are the UK people more progressive then the Belgian people? Would you like to make more progressive trance ? What successes do you hope to have in the UK ?

Peter: It’s true that the UK is more progressive then Belgium. You almost don’t hear the UK club music over here in Belgium. Personally I like the UK style more then the Belgium style. In Belgium you almost only hear retro with a few exceptions. The reactions on Something in the UK are very good. BBC Radio 1 has picked up the track in their A-rotation and Something is already played by very well known DJs like Dave Pearce and Judge Jules. It’s a long time dream for me to score in the UK, but we’ll have to wait and see πŸ™‚

Which performances (clubs, awards, …) or DJ-sets were the best ones ? Do you have some anecdotes from the road ?

Peter: I have the best memories from the Belgium TMF Awards where we won the award Best national single with Something, although the Mega Music dance experience in the Netherlands was also super.

Evy: The performance which made the most impression on me were the TMF Awards in Belgium. Winning the award for Best national single gave us an indescribable feeling. But most of the performances are really fun and yes we have some anecdotes πŸ™‚ Peter who roars a city name which is not the one where we’re doing the performance, Dave who has to get his underwear from under his Scottisch dress-coat. My sunglasses that were damped so much I couldn’t see anymore… I could write a book about it!

Lasgo at the Belgian TMF Awards

Did you stop with Astroline or will Astroline bring out some new tracks ?

Peter: No, we decided to stop with Astroline. The concept did become a little aged and we decided to go our own way.

Are you busy with other projects ? Any new releases in the near future ? Evy, what are the plans with your solo single Turn you on ?

Peter: I have very little time aside Lasgo, but I’m still busy with some trance tracks and remixes. I have just finished remixing Starsplash Β– Free.
Evy: At the moment we won’t do anything with this single. Too bad actually because we were really standing behind this single, but it didn’t do what we hoped from it. It’s not easy to release an R&B tinted single as a Belgian.

Who’s your favourite DJ ?

Peter: Paul Van Dyk

What’s your favourite Belgian club ?

Peter: La Rocca
Evy: I love to go to Biazaar in Edegem! I know a lot of people there and the music is really super ! R&B, Top 50, party music ….. πŸ™‚

How do you produce a dance track ? Do you have any tips to give to newbie producers ? Which hardware/software do you use ? How do you promote your work so it gets seen by the recordcompanies ?

Peter: Most of the time we begin with the grooves and afterwards the rest. It doesn’t really matter which sofware or hardware you use. The most important thing to have is ideas. Producers with loads of software and hardware but no ideas will not make it.

What do you think about the use of studio singers for danceprojects and where someone else is doing voice-over on stage, while some of those studiosingers really want to be on-stage ? Is a pretty face still more important then the vocal qualities of the singer ?

Peter: No, I don’t think so. That’s why we also choose Evi, because she’s a very good singer. If you want to score outside Belgium it’s an absolute must to sing live during the performances.

Evy: I really don’t like it. There are loads of girls with a good voice who don’t get there and then you still see ‘singers’ on stage who didn’t even sing the song themselves!

When you’re at home, do you listen to music ? Which genre ?

Peter: I always listen to music, at least when I’m awake :). I listen to all styles of music, except hardcore and flemisch whining.

Evy: I listen to all kinds of music. I don’t play CDs that much, but I’m a regular watcher of TMF and JIM TV (for our foreign visitors: these are two Belgian clip stations)

Do you surf alot on the internet ? What are your favourite sites ?

Peter: If I have time, I like to surf to music sites to know the latest music news.

Evy: I don’t really have any favourite sites, but If I see an address in a magazine about something that interests me, then I’ll visit that site. The only site where I’m a regular is our site: Lasgo ! I like reading all the comments in our guestbook !

What’s your position towards MP3 ?

Peter: It has its advantages and disadvantages. With the help of MP3, music is spread around the world in no-time. This makes it easier for us to get licenses to release singles in foreign countries. The bad part offcourse is that there is a decline in salesfigures, but in the past everyone copied music on cassettes.

Evy: I don’t really have anything against it. Lots of people say that the crisis in the music-industry is due to MP3s. It probably is a part of the crisis, but the real fans will still choose for an original CD with a nice cover.

What do you think about selling music over the internet ? Do you think that the CD will disappear in the long term ?

Peter: No, I think that the CD or a newer musiccarrier will always exist. Most people still want something real in their hands, eg. a booklet with pictures and lyrics. notes:

Buy this record @ Buy this record @ Euromusic World : buy Some Things Full CD

Buy this record @ Buy this record @ Euromusic World : buy Something CD Single

Buy this record @ Buy this record @ Euromusic World buy Alone CD Single

This interview was made by Wim. Thanks to Peter Luts for making this possible !

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